Empi Quick-Shift instalation...

Posted by Fabio Caris | Posted in

Over the weekend I found some free time to work on my Beetle. So I decided to install the Empi Quick-shift kit, which promisses to decrese the gear lever (gear stick) movement considerably (by more than 20%). The kit is very simple, effective and easy to install. The result is now the gears can be engaged very precisely and without much effort. The instalation took about 10 minutes.

Comments (6)

    Brother, sou do Passo Fundo Fusca Clube e vi teu mail lá... explain more... onde você consegiu este console? huggs

    lucio_pf (Skype)

    10 minutes is fast. Is it something a newbie could manage without too much effort?

    Lucio, o console foi comprado importado dos EUA, estava ja no carro quando eu comprei. Acho que eh da marca Empi.

    Mike, the instalation was a breeze, the instructions were straight forward even though there were no illustrations, just words. Mine took a bit longer due to the console...

    Cheers, I might look into getting one of those. Cheap AND easy to fix - just what I need!

    BTW, looked on cip1.com - and could only see plastic ones; yours looks metal, where did you get it ?

    The shift kit is metal and the console is plastic. I got the Empi quick shift from Ebay (Mofoco I think).

    I installed mine in 20 minutes. When lubricating with oil I also used some graphite powder. It makes the gear changes very smooth.

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